By cultivating a warm and personal yet professional service, Mintconstruct has built a reputation in the construction industry throughout Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Northern NSW for outstanding quality of service, which is enjoyed by our long and ever-expanding list of clients.
With decades of combined experience, our team is made up of industry veterans and fresh new talent alike, all contributing to the best possible outcome for you. From the ground up, we will build you a truly unique, luxury home that fulfils your requirements and fits in with your budget. At the end of the day, irrespective of your budget, every custom new home we create is given our signature attention to detail, quality design and personalised service, ensuring a result that exceeds all expectations.
No matter where you are in your custom new home journey, we recommend you engage your builder as early as possible to ensure that your designs and council approval process is streamlined and matched to your budget. Our unique industry inside knowledge is critical to help you avoid the costly, unnecessary and time-consuming need to re-work plans and re-submit to council.
Getting Started
Simply get in touch to book your obligation free, on site consultation. The early stages of a new building project are often taken with the most trepidation. To calm the nerves and begin to feel empowered towards your project, meet with us on site, where the action is going to take place, and we will talk through your plans, dreams and questions, including:
How your current ideas fit your budget.
What adjustments can be made to maximise your return on investment.
If the design maximises your block’s potential.
Any concerns you may have.
How best to proceed.